Sunday, March 29, 2015


     I am sure I will be all over the map with my post today. It has been quite busy the last couple of months. I did have a Birthday it was a BIG birthday 50 is the new 40 30 Right? I certainly do not feel my age, according to oldest child (23) “Mom, I don’t know why 50 is bothering you, you certainly do not act 50 heck I act more mature than you”. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. I did have a great birthday spent with my wonderful husband and three other DD couples, we met at my very favorite restaurant. I love these people they are my friends. I appreciate they may drive anywhere from two to three hours just to celebrate with me. I also appreciated all the wine I received, a girl can never have too much wine! It is always so great to see them, I wish we lived closer so I could see them more often. I also received a wonderful Perfect birthday present from a friend who knows me very well all beachy stuff that I will certainly use as much as I possibly can this summer!
      Lee will be leaving for work again soon another one of those three week trips. I am hoping I keep it together by keeping myself busy while he is gone. I usually do fine during the week it is the weekends that get to me. I have friends that before DD I spent a lot more time with, but it seems that now I would much rather just spend time with Lee or honestly chat or phone with my DD friends. I just seem to have more in common with them and they do make me laugh! My neighbor friends they seem to not be as happy as my DD friends and honestly they just complain a bit too much for me. Wonder Why?
     I do love going to my lil chat place probably way too much, I used to be much more organized around my house and I just know I spend way too much time in there. I enjoy it though, I enjoy the people, especially the ones I have become friends with, whether we meet, talk on the phone, or text I still enjoy chatting in the room. It is nice to meet new people especially ones that remind me of me when we first began this lifestyle. I have found some to be so similar in what they are looking for to help their relationship. I have also realized some feel like their way is the only way, so WRONG! We believe, Lee & I like most do that you make it your own and what works for you. You might call it something totally different than someone else but really does it matter? I have found some are not at all like I thought they were which has been a lil disappointing to me. Seems for some this lifestyle is very specific in how things should be done or not be done. I believe I can learn much from others and their experiences. I might not agree that it would be best for my relationship but I still respect the fact that it is best for theirs. I have never done well doing things the way someone else does especially if the reason is… that is just the way we have always done it or because others think their way is the only way. I believe for Lee & I we do it our way and make it ours. I know that when I entered the chat place the first time I first was scared to death I had no idea who I was chatting with but they did make me feel very safe & comfortable. Secondly I had researched and read so much about DD it was very helpful to actually talk to others that lived this lifestyle I was so curious about. I of course knew they didn’t have all the answers but sometimes it just feels nice to speak to someone openly that has a clue on how you are feeling. I loved the fact that it seemed the people did not pass judgement nor push their beliefs on you.
     Fifty Shades of Grey the movie is out, I have had several of my friends and family ask if I have seen it, I have not. I know many did not like the book but I was one that did. I will see it, I would rather rent it just because I have a hard time sitting still for very long. I have heard mixed reviews but for the most part the friends or family I know seemed to all like it, I never like a movie as much as a book I have read but I will see it eventually.
     My reading selections have changed the past several months. I have been reading a lil more often and all sorts of books. I did read a book recently “Disciplined Desired” by Lisa Simons. I enjoyed the book, the wife in the book believes DD could possibly help her marriage and she discovers a “Chat” room, well you will have to read the book, I shouldn’t spoil it for you. The author is actually someone who comes into the chat I frequent way too much! You might enjoy reading it, I did.

Lee and I have been in a pretty good place lately. There are times that we both could do better but as I always say I am kinda sorta somewhat NEW still!!!! I told you this post was going to be all over the place! I was right just me and my thoughts. This one also just popped in my head. I have met people through chat from just curious or beginning, to living this lifestyle for over twenty years I have also met those that live a TPE relationship. What do we all seem to have in common we just want to have the BEST relationship possible such a nice thing to have in common.

I told you this post was going to be all over the place, today I am like that squirrel that runs in the road!