Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I am thankful for so many things, I don’t even know where I should start. I am of course thankful for my family, we all are very strong willed so that tends to cause a lil bit of friction occasionally, we love & fight with great passion, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My family is one that will always be there for you, no matter they always have your back. I am thankful for my friends, I have some wonderful friends. I have recently made some very special friends in chat. These special friends have become very important to me, they are part of my family now. I am thankful for all God has blessed me with.
I am especially thankful for DD today, without finding this Lee and I would not be together. Last year actually we spent Thanksgiving apart first time in our marriage, but we were both on our way out, and I was running. I am thankful this man of mine has put up with me all of these years. I wouldn’t have put up with me!
I am thankful Lee has been so patient & understanding, I am thankful he made the decision to do this his way, our way, what works for us. I am thankful we are still together. I am thankful for what DD has brought to our marriage. I am not sure if we have ever been closer, more intimate, and more in love. It is like a honeymoon all the time (well NOT all of the time), but so much deeper than it was 23 years ago. So this Thanksgiving I am extra thankful!

 Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Aww, love this post! Im so thankful that Colin and I got to meet you and Lee, and that weve become so close! Hope you both had a great thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks sweet Kenz! We did, hope yours was great too!

  2. So sweet Honey. Hope you all have lots of great honeymoon time the rest of the holiday weekend ;)

    <3 Coral

    1. Thanks coral ready for family to go back home, hehehehe!

  3. love this!! I didn't write a Thanksgiving post, but should have. I am thankful we have gotten to know you and Lee, meet you guys, have become friends, and have future get togethers panned. Glad you survived your family visiting. I so needed the 4-way group text tonight :) Thanks for starting took me from crappy mood to laughing in minutes :)
