I have the
most amazing friends! Some I have met some I have only chatted, kik’d, text or
spoken with on the phone, and some I have met in real life. I had no idea a
year ago, I would ever make friends in chat much less begin true friendships
with. I feel so blessed. I have great friends around me that I can see
almost anytime I like. I am lucky I have the friends I do. I feel even luckier
that I have met the friends I have in chat.
My weekend
started off great as I received a surprise visit from our good friends, I had
no idea they were coming for my birthday to spend the weekend with us. They
gave me the perfect gifts. No it wasn’t a paddle. It was wonderful. The next
day all of us met our other friends for lunch and had a great time. They gave
me the perfect gifts also!!!! I have to say though just spending time with them
is the biggest gift of all. I then received a box from another couple OMGosh! It
was the perfect gift too, well…until I saw the paddle!!! Really??? You know
honey doesn’t like paddles!!!!
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!!