Saturday, July 19, 2014


     Lee and I have had so much going on there has really been not much “us” time. Our oldest has moved home after 5 years and wow what a change in our life. Now don’t get me wrong I love this kid but I am just so used to having much alone time with Lee. Her room is right next to ours so that can make it difficult for our life to continue as it had been. She has been home all of the time while our other child is rarely home. We have had lots of company, have been out of town, many functions to be at, more company is coming, and work has been extremely busy. So with that being said DD had been pretty nonexistent really.
     I have been “off” I know I have. Not really going by some of my “rules” not on purpose just because well sometimes I just don’t think about them with all that has been happening. I know it has been tough for Lee as well. It truly has been difficult for both of us.
     Lee decided we needed a reset, regroup, resomething. He let me know this would be happening that night and a few nights in a row.  I explained to him it cannot she will hear. He let me know he is using one of the silent implements, well you know what Lee that might be silent but it’s kind of hard for me to be silent when that thing is hitting my a$$! First night it hurts, but I get through it but it hurts. I go upstairs the next night, thinking he has maybe forgotten, he has not as he tells me OTK! I am like what? We don’t do OTK! He responds, "We are now"!  Well he starts, I hate this thing, and it hurts really extra bad. I wiggle, squirm, attempt a flip, and I beg for him to stop. He is NOT listening; he just keeps on going grabs my hand, traps my legs, and just proceeds.
     I do actually feel better well my mind feels better afterwards, but my a$$ does not, for days I mean many days it hurts. That deep down to the bone kind of hurt. It is difficult to sit, I don’t even want him to touch it actually it is bruised ugly!  The third night, I think it was the third night, the wonderful man takes pity on me and lets me off of this reset/regroup/resomething. He knows I am not teasing, tricking, or playing as it still hurts. I do tell him that seemed like a punishment not the other. He let me know it was actually both; I broke some rules and needed to realize who was in charge.
      I hope the next few months fly by, so both of our children can be at their own place and we can be alone at ours. I don’t care for those “silent” implements and they really are not very good for me.
      I don’t look good in purple/blue/black I look much better in shades of pink! Light ones actually, yes light pink is definitely my color!