Thursday, April 3, 2014


I am just sitting here wondering… what am I? what are we? I don’t know at the moment. I have been thinking about this and actually talking to one of my friends about it. Are we DD? Are we D/s? Are we both?
After speaking to my friend she made the conclusion maybe we are a “hybrid” I of course laughed out loud. Maybe we are. There are things about both dynamics I like well there are also some I don’t like.
I like that in DD he holds me accountable, I have a few rules that we have discussed. If I break them I am in trouble (most of the time). Then I think about other things like when he is much more dominate about certain things but in a good way.  I like both of these and am not sure sometimes what we are. I do get a say, he almost always asks my opinion on things, and on almost all we agree.  I also like when I am not given a choice but told yes I know “told” what to do or what he expects.
I guess it doesn’t really matter how you classify it or maybe it does and I just don’t care what the classification is. It is working, it is working for us. 


  1. DD is so many different things to so many couples but the important thing is that we make it our own. It needs to be what works for each of us and whether someone else does it the same way or differently shouldn't make a difference. It makes us feel safe, loved, cherished, protected and precious. It is the life we designed for us on this journey that we are taking. No label necessary.

    1. I totally agree, each has to make it their own. It is ours just ours and those feelings are what we all want we just have different things that make us feel that way.

  2. Hi Honey,
    I'm glad that you have the attitude about this that you do. A fellow blogger, Willie, of Wilma Married Barney, recently wrote a really great post about this subject. If you are interested, you should check it out. We here in blogland come in variety of colors and tastes, and I think most if not all of us are hybrids! This is my first visit here and I look forward to returning :-)

  3. Leah & Brittany I agree it has to be your own.
    River Wild- Thank for commenting and I will be sure and go look at the blog Wilma Married Barney

  4. Maybe you've found that magic place some people never get to because they are too busy trying to define what they are to actually live it...As long as whatever it is works for you!

    1. Thank you lil, I get in that magic place usually never think about defining it as long as it is working & he is being consistent, LOL!
