Friday, July 19, 2013

I love my DD marriage and my DD community!

I love our DD choice… yes our choice that we decided together to incorporate in our marriage of almost 23 years. One of the BEST decisions we have made for us!
I no longer feel like I am in control of everything (I didn’t want to be). I also do not feel like I have to act like the “tough” girl and keep my emotions or worries buried anymore.  Lee has always been very loving, caring, and compassionate, but in my mind before we made this choice I felt deep within that I had to be able to handle anything with no one’s help. I never wanted to seem weak in any way whatsoever. I am not sure why I felt that was a sign of weakness, but I always chose to be one who could do it all on my own.
Since starting DD, as we are still “new”. We are closer I believe than we have ever been before, we are much more open and honest about our feelings, especially me.  I have a new respect for him as the leader in our home. We both go the extra step now to take time for one another, not to mention the intimacy level we now have, the stronger desire for one another even after almost 23 years. I feel closer to him than I believe I ever have.
The friends we have made in this community are absolutely amazing! I cherish them, I have learned so much from most of them. I have grown to care & love them; I look forward to chatting, texting, and speaking with them on the phone daily. We support one another, give advice, and sometimes we just listen, we are there for one another because we care.
 I have needed this, my whole life.  I am so blessed to know the man I married can be the man of the house that I personally need. We discuss most everything; he likes and wants my opinion. He also knows when I do not get an opinion (that would be when I have broken a rule that we agreed upon). I understand this… might not like it at the time but am so very thankful afterwards that he was “the man” and did whatever he saw fit to do. I am a very strong woman and I know it takes a very special strong man to keep me in check.

 I love my DD marriage and my DD community!


  1. Glad you two are having a good go at it! :) It does make things feel so "new" doesn't it!

    Take care,


  2. I am so glad I stumbled on your blog!! We started Dd 10 years into our marriage.. It has been the most amazing decision we have ever made.
